Backyard Home Saunas Bring Value to Your Home

Outdoor Home Saunas in Minneapolis Minnesota

Breaking the business of life with a little corner of heaven. Our Saunas are made custom from the start, made to be a value add to your backyard and property. Outdoor Home Saunas in Minneapolis Minnesota are on the rise bringing the authentic natural sauna experience to your front door. 

Where Your Vision Begins

Unwind with your Personal backyard Sauna

Take out the chatter of the city, notification, the errands of life and you find yourself in-tune with where you are. That is the heart of why we wanted our sauna as connected to the nature around us as possible.

A welcoming design

We look to match the sauna to the place and people it will be built for. This means, choosing material that feel right and compliments the enviormrent. Thermally modified wood can brings an incredible natural, rustic warmth to your design. Or, maybe you’re looking for the curves of the water to fit on your lake side cabin spot. 

Generational Quality

The Minnesota weather will not forgive sloppy craftsmanship. For this climate, no corners can be cut. That is why with a seven layer design, proper weathering, water sealing and ventilation this backyard sauna is designed the future generations to enjoy. 

Lasting Custom Service

We stand behind this sauna for as long as it lasts. If anything goes wrong, damage happens and maintenance needs to be done. We stand behind our product with you.

Bringing your Dream to life

Immersive Personable Design Process

Our in-depth design process allows you to see what your custom backyard sauna will look like before the first board is cut. We work with you, to understand your vision, and draw out the best options that will leave you with a sauna the feels truly yours. 

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Why BW Sauna?

In a world where everything is bought from large corporations manufacturing parts with the cheapest labor, we wanted to go in another direction. When we set out to build the best handcrafted custom saunas we could in Duluth, Minnesota, we knew it had to start with finding the best people behind every bolt, board, and weld.

We have the privilege to work with some of the best craftsmen in Minnesota. Fellow Americans are pushing to keep our economy strong. Those that work with their hands to make a living, making a difference, in small ways and big.

We Build Minnesota Home and Mobile Saunas

At BW, we work to handcraft lifetime quality custom mobile and home saunas to become a cornerstone of homes, lives and culture by elevating the quality, accessibility, and longevity.


Custom Home & Mobile Minnesota Saunas

Our base models provide you a grounded starting point. We believe strongly in honesty and clarity. Our prices are strategically places to ensure there is a sauna for everyone, while keeping an open canvases for infinite customization options.

Our Base Mobile Sauna Models

Our saunas start with a sturdy 2×4 frame, exterior OSBTyvek, and all-weather metal siding. On the inside, we use insulation on all walls, including the floor if elevated. This is followed by an interior metal heat shield, cedar or pine spacers to prevent moisture traps, in the finished cedar

Huron 8ft

The nimble and agile Huron is here as the entry-level outdoor mobile sauna. At 8ft, it fits nicely inside your garage or can be tucked away in your backyard.
See Model

Ontario 10ft

The robustness of a full sized sauna, with the agility for finding that special place. Our 10ft custom portable sauna is ready to be your oasis.
See Model

Superior 12ft

A balanced portable sauna for those who want the full experience. Comes with a cool down changing room and the best in handcrafted custom quality.
See Model

Gooseberry 14ft

The robustness of a full sized sauna, with the agility for finding that special place. Our 14ft, is our flagship custom mobile sauna.
See Model

Redefine your Relaxation Space

Handcrafted Quality

You build something extraordinary when you build a custom sauna with BW.  A centerpiece of conversation, a sauna that can unite people and become a cornerstone of your relaxation space. When your sauna is designed especially for you, it means so much more.

We chose steel because it represents the reliability and go-anywhere character of BW Saunas. The last thing you should be thinking about when you enter our saunas is if you damaged the sauna on the road there.

“If your truck can go there, your sauna should too!”

We are about craftsmanship and sourcing quality materials, period: no fluff, no nonsense, just the best possible mobile saunas for sale at a fair price.

Saunas are easy to build to just look good, but water, heat, and steam have a way of separating looks from quality. Some saunas use wood jointing that separates and warps over time. With BW, we bring reinforced jointing and thick wood paneling to ensure your sauna not only feels solid but will keep feeling that way well into its years of use.

“If your truck can go there, your sauna should too!”

-30 degrees out? Some saunas skip out on insulating the floors or giving proper heat-reflecting coverage in the name of price and weight. When heat is the primary purpose of your sauna, heat should be the top priority. Our saunas are made for the cold! We insulate every last inch to ensure your sauna heats up hotter, faster, and in the coldest conditions.

Florida Sauna Custom Backyard

Download Your BW 2024 Catalog

When you start exploring what a custom sauna could look like, you might already have that exact idea in mind: that perfect finish with a wide panorama window. Or something more true to its history, humbly nestled in the lakeside corner. Either way, we hope this catalog offers inspiration for your journey

A dream come true

A Lifetime Quality Sauna

The end result of a captivating vision, brought to life. If you have a vision you’d like to see built, give us a call with any questions and we’ll be more than happy to chat. 

Address5137 Jean Duluth Rd, Duluth, MN 55803, United States